Are you looking for someone to help you get yourself together so you have well-behaved children, a well-kept house, and general, all-around wellness?

Hahaha! ME TOO.

I went to a fabulous writing workshop once. There was so much valuable information and heart for those of us who work to write hope. And there was a lot of really valuable information for people in a very different space than I write from: those building platforms and with a lot of time-tested wisdom ready to pass on to people coming behind them.

I’m NOT knocking those lovely writers. I need them. I read them. I learn lots and lots of useful things from them. But I am not them.

One of the speakers talked a lot about marketing and about how people click on posts to avoid pain or get a benefit, so we should write on those things. “People will take an aspirin to get rid of a headache.”


I have none of that. No aspirin at all.

I don’t have this genius advice to offer you about this thing that I know (parenting) because I’m 100% in the trenches with you. I can’t give you what I don’t have. It’s possible that in a few years, I will have enough experience to have some super useful tips to actually make your life easier.

Right now?

Here’s what I have to share with you.

I can offer you a hearty “me too!” when you have no idea what you’re doing. I promise not to judge you for being human, making mistakes, and being at a loss.

I can tell you stories when I find pieces of grace. I have a lot of stories. I keep finding just enough grace to get by.

And I can point you to the Giver of grace and all the little blessings that make my life both challenging and lovely.

Hi there! I’m Robin.

Thanks for visiting my little space. I’m a mama of four babies six and under (plus one in heaven) and wife to Andrew. I love Jesus and I love that He made coffee. I hope to encourage your heart whenever you stop by.